Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fall 2010: Newsletter and more!

Hoping everyone on the academic calendar is getting back into the swing of things this season! I briefly introduced myself earlier this year and am now happy to take responsibilities of Membership & Publicity for the AIA/MN Society for the 2010 academic year. The official AIA/MN Society Newsletter has been sent out, so check your mailboxes and inboxes for the latest from your local society.

Also, we might have had a minor glitch in our bookkeeping (nothing serious) but make sure to be extra assertive when reminding your friends and colleagues about our upcoming events! E-mails, snail mail, and blog posts only go so far, but word of mouth is always best. So Vanessa's post (below) for the schedule of lectures this semester, and contact any board members if you have ideas, suggestions, inquiries, or would like to get more involved with the society.

Oh, and e-mails will be coming from "aiamnsociety(at)gmail(dot)com" from now on, so keep your eyes peeled.


(My image, shot in Croatia, where I was fortunate enough to intern under Minnesota's own Dr. Vanca Schrunkand the St. Clement Archaeological Society )

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