Saturday, May 14, 2011

AIA-MN update

We would like to thank all of our loyal AIA members for supporting another year of excellent lectures on a wide range of archaeological topics! We would also like to let you know that the Minnesota society has received some recognition from the national AIA office this year. In January, Vanessa Rousseau received a Lifesaver Award for pulling together a last-minute presentation when our scheduled speaker was unable to be here, and Vanessa was also appointed to the national AIA's Societies Committee. In addition, we just won an Outreach Award from the national AIA to fund a poster session entitled "Students in Archaeology: Poster Presentation of Recent Fieldwork" to be held October 22, 2011 (the call for student poster submissions will go out in August/September). Many thanks to Vanca Schrunk for initiating and writing this proposal and we look forward to hearing about students' excavation experiences.

Our 2011-2012 lecture series is taking form and will be posted on the website as soon as it is finalized, but please also note these other events coming up in the meantime:

Minnesota Archaeology Week events will be held across the state May 14-22 (apologies for the short notice!) - for more info, see:

A series of lectures related to the King Tut exhibit at the Science Museum:

As always, check the website for postings and we'll see you in the fall -

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